5 Ideas For A SoloPreneur - #3


become a social media manager. Branding your business on social media is a vital marketing strategy for many businesses, both small and big. 

All of those new drop shipping businesses will need assistance in spreading the word.

If you're good with words and understand how social media works, then you may start a small business where you take on the responsibility of branding other businesses on social media.

So here are some things that you would typically do as a social media manager. Set up social media accounts and make them stand out by posting text and graphics on behalf of your clients, keeping up with trends and news that are relevant to their businesses, and developing marketing strategies based on their goals.

In some cases, you may also want to offer customer service through social media on behalf of your clients.

Becoming a social media manager is a great business opportunity if you're already into social media, know how it works, like it, and want to start earning money by helping businesses market their products.

 Credit: @SimonHoiberg

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