5 Best Software To Create E-book In 2022, Try It Now!

5 Best Software To Create E-book In 2022

What are the best e-book creators, software, and makers to create e-books? In this article, I'll share with you five e-book creator programs, so you can start creating and selling your e-books.

I'll compare all 5 e-book tools and give you the pros and cons of each one.

This post will help you decide which e-book creator to use, So start with the first:



You may know Canva as a design tool, but you can create e-books too. 

Canva is fully flexible in a way where you can just drag your images anywhere you want, not so much restricted to where you place them like Microsoft Word.

canva drag and drop

The only downfall is that, with Canva, you can create up to 100 pages. However, you can create two designs, then use smallpdf.com to combine the two PDFs together.

In addition, what I like about Canva is that you can start by using ready templates.

canva ebook templates

When you go to your home page in Canva, you can search for "e-book" and then that will bring up a lot of e-book covers as well as templates that you can start with.

The downfall is when using Canva as an e-book creator is that, because It's not an actual e-book creator or a document publishing system such as Word, entering page numbers can be difficult because you need to enter each page's number manually. Let's move on to the next e-book tool.


Google Docs, Word, or Pages

Google docs, Microsoft Word, or Pages for Mac are probably the most familiar to you if you grew up creating and publishing documents on a word doc. 

The disadvantage is there isn't drag and drop friendly, so if you want to drag an image, you can't, you can only break the text into different positioning. Like this:

broken text

However, if you want to be specific about where you want certain images or elements, it'll be much more difficult.

but The great feature of using Google Docs is that all you need to do is style it as an H1, H2, or H3, and when it comes to creating a table of contents, it's much easier.

So if you don't want to mess around with pixels and design, something like Google docs be enough. It's all about getting the job done, and if Google docs is all what you need then use it.


Adobe InDesign:

Adobe InDesign is used for a more professional level. The disadvantage of using InDesign is that it has a monthly charge, exactly like all Adobe products, which costs 20.99$ / month.

Adobe InDesign cost

It’s the professional level for document creation, and it allows you to create flyers, posters, brochures, and e-books.

Unless you want to go through a whole set of tutorials and learn how to use InDesign, I wouldn't recommend this if you're just starting, and you simply want to get a simple e-book out there.



Sqribble is a web-based e-book creator tool you don't need to install anything on your mac or windows system.

They're trying to sell these one-time offers after you purchase the main product of 67$, here are the futures:

Sqribble futuers

there's an ability to create or convert your e-book into a flip-book.

The biggest downfall is that customers pay a one-time fee, there's no ongoing support as in developers aren't constantly developing and updating the software.

You only need to pay a 67$ one-time fee, which is pretty much it for creating a simple e-book.



One of Designerr's standout features is the ability to convert content from your blog or URL into an e-book.

This is a new feature from Designerr, which I think is pretty good. With that one-time payment, you've limited access, so this is kind of the standard starter plan where you can import from blog articles, convert them into an e-book, or import them from Google docs to start from scratch, and you can also have the ability to convert your PDF to a flip-book.

Designrr flip-book

There is an ability to save it as a Kindle e-book formatted correctly based on their guidelines, as well as publishing it to Apple iBooks, and this is a Designerr pro option 

What you also get in addition is over 300 more templates, import from a PDF, import from any Facebook page, and more, so all these benefits that you get from the price of Designerr Pro are 97$ per year.

It's  all completely optional, and it doesn't mean you can't create e-books. You can use that one-time plan of 27$ for creating e-books.

If I had to choose between Sqribble and Designerr, I would go with Designerr because of its constant and ongoing software development.



There you go, those are the five e-book creator tools that you can use to create your e-books in no particular order. I want to mention that none of these tools is one size fits all.

if you find one tool that works better for you then go with that, whether that's Google docs or Canva, but, I just wanted to suggest these tools so you can kind of compare and see which one's right for you.

However, if you've any questions about any of these methods or tools leave them in the comments. If you like this article and get value from it be sure to check out my other articles on my blog.

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