E-book | How To Get Sales? The Best Way To Do It (2022)

Ebook | How To Get Sales? The Best Way To Do It (2022)

Why do some digital products perform well while others seem to go unnoticed? That's exactly what I'm going to cover in this article.

Disclaimer: If you think I'm going to give you some magic trick that you can go out there and apply and get $7,500 out of nowhere, you're going to be disappointed.

If you're wondering what makes the difference and how to go about selling ebooks, I'll show you exactly how to do it right. Let's get started.

Can You Make Money From E-Books


Make Money From E-Books

Selling ebooks and online courses. Can you really make money from these? Obviously, the answer is yes, yet the majority of people don't. Let's break this down.

The model most people follow goes something like this:

  • Narrowing down want to write about
  • Spending hours structuring, writing, proofreading, and perfecting

When the work is finished, you upload it to Coursera, Udemy, or Gumroad and share the link on social media, and you make almost no money. Why?

How do Adam Marthan and Kent C. Doss make millions of dollars from their ebooks and courses? Is it because they have a lot of followers? Not really. In fact, they have a lot of followers for the same reason—their products do well.

Yes, you guessed it: They must be good at marketing and know how to sell. That's the part most ebook creators completely leave out. They spend hours writing, and then they almost leave it up to random chance, whether someone is going to buy it or not.

When top sellers make a lot of money from their info products, it's because they spend a lot of time:

  1. building community
  2. They create and own their sales channels
  3. building email lists
  4. attending conferences
  5. spreading awareness
  6. running paid ads.
  7. establishing affiliate programs for their products

And most importantly, they’ve been sharing knowledge for free for a long time before starting to ask for people's money.

I know exactly what you're thinking: " I'm out. Info products are never going to be my thing," But hold on. I know where you're coming from. There's so much work needed to become that successful. Even if you’re not an ebook author or a course creator, you can do it as well. It still takes a lot of work, but realistically, you can do it.

How Do You Write A Successful Ebook

How Do You Write A Successful Ebook


The first important tip I want to give you is; don't use this as an opportunity to learn something new. It is probably the worst occasion you can pick.

If you want to learn something, that’s great, but there are much better occasions for this. Remember, you're writing an ebook to sell. You're trying to do business here.

Don't unnecessarily wear yourself down mentally by trying to learn something new. Instead, pick a topic that you're so familiar with that you could almost write an ebook about it in your sleep.

You want the book to speak for itself; do not spend a lot of extra energy on this part.

This is exactly what you should do. Just pick a topic that you already know, a topic you can write an ebook about without having to look up a single thing.

If you're like most people looking into writing an ebook, especially if you're in the tech space, you probably haven't spent a lot of time doing marketing before. Save your energy for that instead. This is where you should challenge yourself.

So before you start writing your ebook, ask yourself a couple of questions:

  • What are your acquisition channels?
  • How are you planning on reaching people?

Simply posting on your social media profile probably won't make the cut, even if you have thousands of followers already.

So let's take a look at a few options.

How To Market Your E-book The Right Way 


How To Market Your E-book The Right Way

Influencer marketing

Set up agreements with other influencers and have them spread the word. You may already know a few. Start by reaching out to them. You can also reach out to influencers you don't know and ask them for a sponsor deal.

It's pretty straightforward. You pay influencers to make promoted posts about your product, either by agreeing on a fixed price or by offering them a cut of each sale they produce.

So when you know the topic you'll be writing about, find 10 or more professional influencers in that niche, and line up a deal with them in advance. Keep them in the loop.


Maybe you already have a follower base in the niche you're writing in. that's great, but it still takes more than a single post saying “I launched an e-book”.  

You should start talking about this ebook way before you actually launch it, and you want to do a so-called pre-launch. 

A pre-launch is when you start charging people for the product before it's done, on a discounted offer. This is great for various reasons.

  • You get to test the waters and see if there's an interest in what you're writing.
  • It gives you a great opportunity to spread hype
  • spend a good amount of time before finally launching
  • Share process details like screenshots to get people excited about it.

If you spend one to two months creating suspense before finally launching it, it will get much more traction.

Retargeting Existing Leads

It’s simply by giving a free quick ebook to collect emails. People really like free stuff. But this is an excellent strategy for two reasons.

1. Creating Authority

A lot of people get to know your quality of writing without having to pay for it.

2. Collecting Emails

Imagine having a list of 10k qualified leads laying around the day you want to launch.

Email marketing is super underrated in 2022, yet it's one of the mediums that has the highest click-through rate. It's an incredible way to reach a target audience.

paid ads 

Paid ads is a great strategy because they're easy to set up and they're reliable.

You get both with Facebook's marketing platform (Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Whatsapp), and Google Adsense covers YouTube and many web pages. Those two platforms alone literally cover almost the entire internet.

And here's a fun fact: surveys show that people are becoming less negative towards ads. In fact, a lot of people are getting used to them. They trust them more, and they increasingly use them to buy products.

The best part is, it's relatively cheap. You don't need a million dollar budget to run effective advertising campaigns. The platform needs to spend a small initial amount to tune in on an audience, but that's totally within financial capacity for most people. 

There are a lot of other options out there, but the most important part is to decide on one or two that you think will convert the most effectively.


To sum up : 

  • create trust authority
  • collect email list
  • Created a paid ebook
  • Make agreements with influencers 
  • Share and retweet
  • Give testimonials
  • Paid promo
  • Sent emails (List of leads, discounted offer)
  • Run paid ADS (twitter, YouTube and Facebook ads)

This is the right way to write and selling ebook, it takes time and effort, but you’ll get paid eventually.

To sell your ebook you can build an online store or just use amazon kindle (amazon kdp), I've a blog post on other best platforms to sell your digital product and digital download.

If you’ve any questions, just comment below. If you want to learn more about ebooks or selling digital products just check my blog.

when you make your first sale of any digital products, try to promote it on social media to the target audience, then you’ll go from one sale to hundred sales.

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