Selling Digital Products: Everything You Need To Know



Digital Products are selling more than physical products, Did you know that? And the chances to succeed in selling digital products or e-goods are higher than you’ve ever imagined, but you have to sell them correctly. So the first thing you need is to have or create a digital product. But what is a digital product? What are the benefits? And how to sell it correctly?

In this article, I’ll answer these questions and help you get into selling digital products. You’ll add a new side hustle to your life, even if you are new or a beginner. So Let’s get started.

🤷What are digital products?

Simply, a digital product is something valuable on the internet, it can be unlimited, never ends, and is easy to get. There are thousands of digital products that you can make for example (e-books, apps, mock-ups, presets, serial numbers, courses, services, and many more ).

There’re many tools free and paid to make those products, And you have to focus on the quality of your product. I’m not asking you to create a blowing-mind product. Just try to make it unique and it fixes a problem or it gives a good value. But what makes a digital product better than a physical one?

💯The benefits of selling digital products online


Let’s assume that you’re in the USA and you write a book, you want to sell it to someone in China. What is going to happen is that the buyer will wait days to have it, and pay for delivery plus if he wants another book it can be out of stock.

But imagine if you sell an ebook. You can write, publish, and sell unlimited quantities, to anyone in the world, and also the buyer will get the e-book immediately after purchasing it.

So you can see those digital products:

  • No need for packing, shipping
  • Easy to create, sell and deliver
  • sell to the globe 
  • Unlimited quantity
  • Many product types

📣What Are The Best Ways To Market Digital Products?


To market digital products, there are two methods:

Free Marketing Methods

1. Social Media:

If you already have an audience on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok then it’s easy for you to get sells, but if you don’t, you can build an audience, and honestly it takes time, at least 6 months of consistent publishing posts, stories, and reels. So if you don’t have an audience try to build one, because you’ll need it later on.

2. Quora:

Quora is an amazing platform where people ask questions to get answers, and because of its search volume, it appears on search results, simply go and create an account and start answering questions.

You can find questions like where I can find Lightroom presets, coloring e-books, Instagram templates, c++ course. Just answer with a little paragraph then put your link for the product.

3. Pinterest

Believe it or not, Pinterest gets massive traffic a month, Plus most people go to Pinterest just to buy something.

Go to create an account, create boards and start posting pins and idea pins.

You can sell any product on Pinterest, And what’s amazing about it, is that it lets you link the picture directly to your product. So imagine how amazing that is.

4. YouTube: 

You can sell an incredible amount using YouTube. Starting a YouTube channel will help you a lot in your career. 

There are many YouTubers out there helping you learn the skills and techniques for growing your YouTube channel, yes it takes time but it’s worth it.

5. Website/blog:

Starting a website or a blog needs some skills like SEO, you can learn it while growing your website. It also needs to buy a domain and hosting company, but you can start with for free.

Choose a niche and start writing articles based on what you know, don’t copy from others. Always try to be unique.

Paid Marketing Methods

1. Google AdSense:

You can create an ad campaign on Google AdSense and publish it on YouTube or web banners or maybe on AdMob to display ads on apps.

Important thing! Before starting a campaign your product must be something unique like an app, course, or service, you don’t want to waste your money on ads for a daily planner, or Instagram presets, I mean something that doesn’t cost that much.

2. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest ads

You can also put ads on those social media sites. But be careful, again please don’t waste your money on something that needs only free methods.

For example, if you have Lightroom presets, just link it in the bio and tell your audience about it, but if it’s a software that you build or a tool that you code, so yes you can put some ads and see how it works.

3. Influencers (recommend)

Like YouTubers, bloggers, and Instagram pages, you can contact them and ask them to put your link in the description or bio for Instagram or bloggers.

If it goes well, you can do it again. But on the internet, if you start a business you’ll need social media, a website, and a YouTube channel. Try to build an audience from now don’t hesitate this 

⚠️The risks and challenges :


As with any other online business, there are challenges that you’ll face over time and to know that you are on the right path. You should consider these tips:

1. Make High-Quality Products:

You should be aware that competition exists, and this applies to any business out there. You may not create a good product at the beginning, but you can improve it over time, just learn the skills that you need and don’t stop.

2. Build an audience: 

Building an audience will help you a lot. Go and start building a YouTube channel, Pinterest account, website, or whatever you want. Just keep in mind that people will help you, not just by buying your stuff, you can build relationships, partners, and friends. 

You’ll have new ideas, and it’ll be easy for you if you start another business. It’s really important to have an audience.

3. Create a website/sign up for a digital marketplace:

You can create a website by yourself, write content and sell digital products. Or you can join a digital products marketplace like Etsy

There are some other marketplace websites I’ll talk about in another article, 

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Now you know what a digital product is, the benefits, risks, and challenges that you’ll face, and how to market it both free and paid ways, so you can start either way.

Later on, I will show you,  How to create digital products, what are the most profitable products, and where else you can sell them. For that subscribe with your email to make sure you don’t miss any upcoming articles.

That’s all! You’re now ready to respond anyone asks about digital products in the future. If you have any questions or don’t understand something, please leave a comment below and I will answer all of your questions.

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