Work Online: Start small, think outside of the box

New way to work online

 It has become very difficult to work on the Internet and profit from it because of the high competition and in all topics, so I will give you some tips and advice that you may haven't heard of before.

There are plenty of ways to make money online, and they all need traffic whether for ads or to click a link or buying a service, but The important thing that you have to know is that you have to learn any skill you like (designing, coding, SEO, video editing, blogging,..ext)

Work with creators who are higher than you, and To do so:

Contact the owners

You don't need to work on Fiverr or Upwork to be a freelancer. Yes, it's easy to get your profile and gigs ready, but it's hard to find a buyer because many other freelancers have 5 stars and good reviews and for you, it's very difficult.

Instead of waiting for someone to buy your service, why don't you offer your service then, many YouTubers have a bad logo or channel banner and maybe are bad at designing video thumbnails, and if you are a designer you can design a better logo or channel banner, and find their emails in their video description or the channel about section, and if he likes your service he can hire you and you'll work with him, designing his video thumbnails, and you can work with many YouTubers.

Same thing if you know SEO or you're a good blogger, you can title the videos and write descriptions. 

or even if you find a YouTuber giving information and he doesn't have a website, you can send him an email like this:

"Dear Mr ......

I'm ...., I like your videos, and you're giving a lot of amazing information, and I noticed that you don't have a website, and I'm a good blogger, and websites can make thousands of dollars by ads, so if you are interested, Feel free to contact me.

Thank you!"

Or the opposite, if you find a website in your interest for ex.(dogs, kitchen, outdoors, programming, ..ext) you can contact the owner if he doesn't have a YouTube channel, you can turn his articles into videos, you don't need the approval to make money because you are working with him as a team, and he'll pay you, of course, you'll get a small amount, but after time he'll pay you more.

Think outside of the box

The point is you have to think outside of the box, you don't have to start on your own, and remember no one is perfect, everyone has something missing or doesn't know, and you can fill that missing part and you both are successful,

"Don't wait for the people, let people wait for you."

stop learning and start working, there are always new ideas and ways to earn money online, and stop wasting your time confused about whether to start a YouTube channel or a new website or what is the best niche, just start working.

There are a lot of making money online ways and strategies, you don't have to work for yourself 

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